
Dr. Clark PhD - 12 Degrees of Freedom: Synergetics and the 12 Steps to Recovery

Dr. Clark's PhD dissertation is a fascinating read which demonstrates the applicability of Synergetics to any environment. More.

Influences on the Development of Social Synergetics

The development of our models has been influenced by many sources, including the most current research in understanding the human brain and learning process, through to traditional physics and science-based research such as chaos theory and the work of R. Buckminster Fuller. The following list ... More

R. Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller was truly a man ahead of his time. His lifelong goal was the development of what he called "Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science" - the attempt to anticipate and solve humanity's major problems through the highest technology by providing "more and more life support for everybody, with less and less resources." Even Albert Einstein was prompted to say to him, "Young man, you amaze me!" More.

Synergetics Collaborative

The Synergetics Collaborative (SNEC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to bringing together a diverse group of people with an interest in Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics in face-to-face workshops, symposia, seminars, pow-wows, and other meetings to educate and support research and understanding of the many facets of Synergetics, its methods and principles. More

Transformational Leadership Council

Dr. Clark is a member of this organization, founded so leaders of personal and organizational transformation could support each other in their contributions to the world.  More

Quantum Learning Network

Creating programs and products for lifelong learning and personal success, including the ground-breaking Supercamp for kids. More

Excellerated Business Schools

An educational organization that researches, develops and presents programs and products that teach people the tools and steps to financial and emotional freedom, through socially conscious entrepreneurship and investing. More

Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence

The best resource for EI research and model program outlines. Updated regularly with new information. More

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