Emerging Leaders Curriculum

The curricula format which will result in the highest level of new competency development in emerging leaders in your organization is an integrated process which includes:

  • Inductive Learning
  • Deductive Learning
  • 'Kaizen' Coaching
  • On-going Reinforcement

How Long Does It Take?

Our proprietary Synergetics Assessment Tool will identify the areas for competency development that are most critical to your organization's success.

The timing, length and scope of the program are dependent on your corporate objectives, budget, level of urgency and the availability of your people.

We utilize an accelerated learning format for all our developmental work. So, once we get working, we can help get you the results you're looking for very quickly.

What Will They Learn?

Again, this depends on the results of the assessment, but here is an overview of the key leadership competencies that we can develop:

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