Our Team

Dr. Cheryl L. Clark

Dr. Clark is co-founder of Social Synergetics™ and is recently retired as the Director of Shock Incarceration and  the Willard Drug Treatment Campus (WDTC) for the New York State Department of Correctional Services (NYS DOCS), both programs which she designed and developed. Shock Incarceration is internationally recognized as the leading program of its type in the world.

As of reporting at July 2010, NYS DOCS research documents the Shock program contributing more than $1.377 billion in cost savings to the taxpayers of New York State.  In her 35 years of State Service, Dr. Clark has been recognized for her innovations in the field of Criminal Justice for both staff and inmates. More

Michael Healey

For over 20 years, Michael Healey has been a lead consultant using Social Synergetics™ model to assist executives in understanding the fundamentals of stable systems at an organizational, planning and executional level.

While Dr. Clark has been developing the synergetics methodology in corrections and social services, Mr. Healey has been working with the synergetics models in his private and public sector consulting. More

Ronald W. Moscicki

Ronald Moscicki is the Supervising Superintendent for Shock Incarceration for the New York State Department of Correctional Services and, along with Dr. Cheryl Clark, one of the lead developers of the Shock Incarceration Program, which, since it’s inception in 1987, has been recognized as the most successful program of it’s type in the world.

Superintendent Moscicki began his career as a correctional officer at Attica Correctional Facility in 1972 (NY). He worked his way up through the supervisor ranks, was in charge of discipline at Attica and commanded the Corrections Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.) at that facility. Superintendent Moscicki is a nationally recognized expert on Shock Incarceration, security and correctional facility operations. More

Lisa Matheson

Lisa Matheson is the co-founder of Social Synergetics™and the President of its parent company, Water Communications, Inc. Lisa has over 25 years experience as a communications and training consultant, designing professional development programs and learning tools for corporate clients, as well as non-profit organizations. Lisa is an expert in the practical application of accelerated learning techniques in training environments and consistently helps her clients produce better results with fewer resources and has worked with Dr. Clark for over 15 years, interpreting Dr. Clark’s work for applications beyond the New York State Shock Incarceration Program. She is the co-auther, along with Dr. Clark of DOING LIFE!® A Life Skills Program for Recovery from Addictions and SMART Choices! An Accelerated Life Skills Program.

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